Together we can make a difference

GPs, Pharmacists and Quitline Counsellors working together

When a patient who smokes is surrounded by support from health professionals and smoking cessation counsellors, along with clinically appropriate pharmacotherapy, their likelihood of quitting smoking can more than double1.  This highlights the interrelated roles of GPs, pharmacists and Quitline counsellors in supporting their patients with best practice smoking cessation care. Watch the video below to learn more.  

1 Kotz D, Brown J, West R. ‘Real‐world’ effectiveness of smoking cessation treatments: a population study. Addiction. 2014 Mar;109(3):491-9. 

How can I advise and support my patients to quit?

Quitting smoking can be a journey of ups and downs that requires practice. 

When it comes to quitting smoking, a little change each day can add up to a lifetime of difference. Every conversation about the benefits of quitting with a patient who smokes is worthwhile. 

Conversations about smoking can be brief and structured using AAH – Ask, Advise, Help:

  • Ask and document smoking status.

  • Advise to quit and the most effective way to try, at every opportunity.

  • Help by offering a referral to Quitline for multi-session behavioural counselling and by facilitating access to clinically appropriate pharmacotherapy.

What can Quit Centre do for me?

Quit Centre is a national online resource developed by health professionals, for health professionals.

Quit Centre’s clinical tools, resources and accredited training can equip GPs and pharmacists to support their patients who smoke to quit as part of their routine care.

Find tools, resources and accredited training including:

Together, health professionals, Quitline and Quit Centre can make a difference to patients' lives.