For General Practitioners

Developed in consultation with general practitioners, Quit’s online training supports the development of knowledge and skills to confidently provide smoking cessation care. There are two modules.

Module 1: Smoking Cessation Brief Advice Training for General Practitioners

The ‘Smoking Cessation Brief Advice Training for General Practitioners’ is designed to support smoking cessation care in general practice. It will equip general practitioners with the skills, confidence and knowledge to provide smoking cessation brief advice to patients who smoke. 

RACGP CPD Approved Activity 1.5 hours

ACRRM CPD Accredited activity 2023 2025

This education has been approved as a Lung Learning Quality-Assured Activity.

Lung Learning Quality Assured Logo

Duration: 60-90 minutes

Cost: Free

Learning outcomes:

  • Describe the negative impact smoking has on physical and mental health, and social outcomes.
  • Discuss the use of the three-step (Ask, Advise, Help) model of brief advice for smoking cessation in clinical practice.
  • Explain how currently available smoking cessation pharmacotherapy options may be used effectively to reduce withdrawal symptoms and minimise side effects.
  • Identify and manage common and clinically significant drug interactions associated with smoking and stopping smoking.
Visit the Quit Education portal to register

Module 2: Nicotine Vaping Products: Considerations for GPs

This training is no longer available and will be replaced with a new training module which is being developed. Please check back later for updates.

Last updated: 10 February 2025